Next chapter crystal bundle
The bundle for anyone moving on from something that may have taken a while to notice it wasn't your future. Relationships, past trauma or career change - this bundle will help you heal, find joy in the new, give you the transformational mindset and assist in the next chapter of your life.
Included in this stunning bundle is:
Sunstone tumble - Stone of Joy
Howlite Tumble - Stone of patience
Moss Agate tumble - Stone of tranquility & emotional balance
Amethyst tumble - Stone of protection
Rainbow Moonstone tumble - Stone of transformation and calm
Sodalite tumble - Stone of logic and truth
Milky Quartz mini sphere - Stone of healing
Clear Quartz chunk - Stone of healing
Rhodonite moon - Stone of compassion
Orange Calcite chunk - Stone of creativity
Sage - Cleanse the old to make way for the new
Contained in this bundle is 6 tumbled stones, 2 raw chunks, 1 mini sphere, 1 moon carving and 1 sage cleansing stick. This is an indication of the bundle you will receive - complete with gift box. You will not be disappointed - it is truly the bundle for everyone.